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The cheer squad from Notre Dame School of Dallas has been invited to the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles. The squad will perform in the opening ceremonies. The Special Olympics will have over 7,000 athletes from 177 countries. To make this trip happen, the cheer squad needs to raise approximately $1,200 per child.  Supporters have created a GoFundMe account to make this dream a reality for these special kids.

The Special Olympics are about changing attitudes and preconceptions about people with intellectual disabilities.  It’s a chance for these kids to be stars.

The 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games could bring as many as a half-million people to the greater Los Angeles area from 25 July to 2 August 2015. The Special Olympics World Summer Games will return to the United States after 16 years, having last been held in the United States in 1999 in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

Support your Dallas-based Special Olympics cheer squad through GoFundMe!

Notre Dame School educates students with intellectual disabilities and facilitates their integration into society.  As the only school in Dallas exclusively serving this student population, Notre Dame is a unique educational resource in our city and provides special education to 150 students ages 8 to 21.  Notre Dame School is located in Uptown, just north of downtown Dallas.

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