Pin on Pinterest On the Court

Notre Dame School cheerleaders just returned from the World Special Olympics in Los Angeles with memories that will last a lifetime.  The World Special Olympics hosted more than 7,000 athletes from 170 nations to compete in 25 Olympic-type sports.   Athletes with intellectual disabilities demonstrated more than their athleticism.  They shined as examples of courage, determination and perseverance on a stage for the world to witness.

Notre Dame School led the cheering for all the athletes during Opening Ceremonies.  “It was a magical moment…walking the red carpet through the stadium tunnel and leading the way! It was a thrilling experience for me and the students,” stated Missy Ruvaldt, Notre Dame School teacher and Cheer Sponsor.

In addition to the Opening Ceremony, the cheerleaders did several dance performances for races in Track and Field and Handball.

“At the Track and Field race, we were cheering on the runners competing in the 5000 meter run.  For several of the runners, we witnessed them speeding up when they heard us cheering them to the finish line!  It was so touching to witness our efforts make such a difference,” said Ruvaldt.

For many of the students, “pin-trading” was a highlight.  Students and their families had the opportunity to trade pins with other athletes from around the world.  Lanyards grew heavy as the Notre Dame Students added more pins throughout the event. Cheerleaders of Notre Dame School look forward to sharing their experience with fellow students when school begins on August 31.

Notre Dame School educates students with intellectual disabilities and facilitates their integration into society.  As the only school in Dallas exclusively serving this student population, Notre Dame is a unique educational resource in our city and provides special education to 150 students ages 8 to 21.  Notre Dame School is located in Uptown, just north of downtown Dallas.

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