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Notre Dame School cheerleaders were busy this summer, competing at the Special Olympics in Seattle and Chicago. 

The 2018 Special Olympic Games in Chicago celebrated 50 years of Special Olympics.  For the first time in the history of Special Olympics, cheerleading was a competitive category, like other sports, and not just for side-line spirit. We are excited to announce that the Notre Dame School of Dallas Cheerleaders received a GOLD MEDAL in the first ever Special Olympics cheer competition in Chicago!  Our Notre Dame School Cheerleaders were shining examples of courage, determination and perseverance on a stage for the world to witness. 

This experience was made possible by the many donors that helped to fund this experience.  It was an unforgettable summer.

Notre Dame School educates students with developmental disabilities and facilitates their integration into society.  As the only school in Dallas exclusively serving this student population, Notre Dame is a unique educational resource in our city and provides special education to 160 students ages 6 to 21.  Notre Dame School is a Catholic school and is sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

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