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Notre Dame School hosted a car wash on Saturday to raise funds for the cheer squad.  The NDS cheerleaders are heading to Seattle and Chicago this summer to cheer at the Special Olympic Games.  It’s a chance of a lifetime for these kids! 

When asked what she is most looking forward to experiencing at the Special Olympic Games, six-year NDS cheerleader, Kelley Tyler said, "I am looking forward to performing with my friends, spending time with them and seeing new ice cream places!"

In an effort to raise over $25,000 to assist in travel expenses, Notre Dame School decided to host a car wash.  After a rainy week, the car wash was timely!  Proceeds were over $3,000! 

Families of children with special needs face a lifetime of financial expenses.  Summer trips are not a option for many of these families.  The only way they can enjoy experiences like the Special Olympics is with the help of generous supporters.  If you’d like to support this effort, please visit the Go Fund Me page at

Notre Dame School educates students with developmental disabilities and facilitates their integration into society.  As the only school in Dallas exclusively serving this student population, Notre Dame is a unique educational resource in our city and provides special education to 158 students ages 8 to 21.  Notre Dame School is a Catholic school and is sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

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