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The third annual Quiz Night sponsored by Friends of Notre Dame (FOND) took place on Saturday, April 18 at the Notre Dame School of Dallas.  FOND is a group of young professionals who are dedicated to the mission of Notre Dame School and provide leadership and support in fundraising efforts. 

Guests enjoyed a food truck supper and cocktails in the school’s courtyard before the event.

The event hosted 90 attendees which were split into 10 Teams.   Categories were Food & Wine, Pop Culture, Texas History, Academy Awards, Sports, and a Silent Picture Round.

Proceeds from the event were over $5,500 which will support the Notre Dame Cheer Squad and their effort to go to the World Special Olympics in Los Angeles this summer.

Notre Dame School educates students with intellectual disabilities and facilitates their integration into society.  As the only school in Dallas exclusively serving this student population, Notre Dame is a unique educational resource in our city and provides special education to 150 students ages 8 to 21.  Notre Dame School is located in Uptown, just north of downtown Dallas.

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