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The holidays are officially here, and we have the perfect gift for the fashion lovers in your life! The two books in Bobbi Schwartz’s Style Essentials series, Build Your Ultimate Wardrobe and Chic Casual Dressing: The Budget Guide, are the perfect way to gift fun, value, and fashion enlightenment this holiday season. Both of these books are great tools to help women build timeless wardrobes and achieve chic looks with ease every single day!

Build Your Ultimate Wardrobe saves the day by providing all the style secrets necessary to strategically build a chic, foundational wardrobe. This wardrobe will allow you to dress effortlessly and ensure you will never be caught without something fabulous to wear. Chic Casual Dressing: The Budget Guide is a solution-based manual that unlocks the secret to effortless casual dressing and how to do so on a budget.

Chic Casual Dressing: The Budget Guide is available on Amazon in both digital and paperback formats, but for the small price difference, you will absolutely want to consider a paperback copy! Build Your Ultimate Wardrobe is also available on Amazon; however, it is currently only available for digital download. Both options are easily giftable through Amazon!

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