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The swearing-in of over 200 AmeriCorps members on June 2nd. AmeriCorps members deliver Food on the Move meals and fun activities to kids in low-income apartment communities throughout DFW.

Many children rely on free and reduced priced meals during the school day but what happens in the summer? As a sponsor of the Summer Food Service Program, CitySquare delivers over 250,000 free summer meals to children through a program known as Food on the Move. Healthy meals are delivered to children ages 1-18 in low-income neighborhoods, churches, nonprofits, and summer camps.

While the program has already been in action this summer, CitySquare and one of its community partners, BridgeBuilders, celebrated Food on the Move with kids and families on Tuesday, June 14th at Turner Courts in southeast Dallas where free lunch for children was served followed by loads of fun activities including visits by Dallas Stars mascot, Victor E. Green and the Dallas Fire Department.

CitySquare’s Food on the Move program delivers meals to the community both at partnering locations like Turner Courts and with mobile feeding trucks. Every morning during the week, trucks with the mobile program depart the CitySquare Opportunity Center on Malcolm X Blvd. to deliver healthy meals and activities to children and youth awaiting their arrival at apartment communities in low-income neighborhoods.  Meals are also delivered to community partner sites with programs throughout the city. CitySquare’s mobile feeding program, staffed by CitySquare AmeriCorps members, delivers meals and provides enrichment activities to thousands of children.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has hailed the program as “a model for the rest of the nation.”

During the school year, the meals children receive at school are often the only food they receive for the day. CitySquare’s Food on the Move program also provides suppers to children participating in after school enrichment programs.

Food on the Move takes a stand against childhood hunger, now offering support in DFW, Austin, Waco, Kaufman/Henderson Counties and Denver, Colorado.

For more information on CitySquare programs like Food on the Move, please go to

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