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Planned Parenthood CEO Ken Lambrecht and Gloria Campos

The 2015 Planned Parenthood Annual Awards Luncheon on March 26th at the Hilton Anatole was a celebration of the organization's 80 years in North Texas.The festivities began the night before at a poolside cocktail reception in the home of Amy and Les Ware where Planned Parenthood President and CEO Ken Lambrecht presented Lisa Kraus, Scott Blow, the Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas’ Teenage Communication Theatre and The First Unitarian Church of Dallas Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Program with this year’s awards. Honorees were spotlighted again the next day at the luncheon that was emceed by Gloria Campos and co-chaired by Sherri Cook and Dr. Shanon Schwimmer.   

Planned Parenthood has been providing affordable healthcare and birth control, accurate sexual health information, and advocacy on behalf of women and families in Texas since 1935. Proceeds from Planned Parenthood's Annual Luncheon directly support Planned Parenthood's essential healthcare and education services to women, men, and teens in Central and North Texas.

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