The Mystery Behind the Knights Templar Class



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The Point at CC Young Senior Living
4847 West Lawther Drive
Dallas, Texas 75214

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CC Young is hosting OLLI at UNT classes this November at the Point!  

CC Young Senior Living continues to host Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at University of North Texas classes this November at The Point & Pavilion. Adults aged 50 and better are invited to attend these classes. By bringing expert instructors to share their knowledge with the community, attendees are guaranteed a high-quality education and to experience lifelong learning.

The courses offered in the OLLI at UNT program cover a wide range of topics and are taught by subject matter experts, including both active and retired university faculty. These courses are 90 minutes, with no mandatory assignments, tests, or grades. By offering stress-free courses, attendees can focus on growing their knowledge on the subject, without any pressure. Students can attend the courses that pique their interests and learn in an open environment with their peers.

Classes are open to OLLI members. To pre-register online, visit For more information on OLLI classes at The Point, call (214) 841-2831. 

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