Uncover “Timeless Treasures” at the Junior League of Dallas Auction set for November 5, 2022, at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. This year’s theme nods to the literal treasures at the museum, including the VIP experience in the Lyda Hill Gems and Mineral Hall. The theme also symbolizes the value of JLD’s many community partners, donors, and members. The evening will include a silent auction, gaming, a diamond pull courtesy of Cook Diamonds, and entertainment provided by The Special Edition Band. Patrons can also enjoy a bonus after-hours adventure to “Stay & Play” in the Museum from 10 p.m. until midnight!
The event benefits the Junior League of Dallas Community Service Fund, which provides funding and support for JLD’s community grants and programs in alignment with the League’s mission.
Individual tickets are $150 and VIP tickets are $250. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit https://www.jldallas.org/auction/