Owen Ramsey – Guest Contributor
Mar 27 @ 16:48
ANBTX Dallas Homebuyer Seminar



Central Standard Time



South Side on Lamar
1409 S. Lamar St.
Dallas, Texas 75215

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Join American National Bank of Texas and Good Urban Development for a free homebuyer seminar where we'll explain the steps in the homebuying process and discuss low-down-payment mortgage options. A Meet & Greet will immediately follow.


*Receive a $500 voucher toward closing costs for attending.


Spanish-speaking representative available.


*One per household. Not transferable. May not be combined with any other offer. Offer applies only to ANBTX Mortgage loans and expires December 31, 2024. All loans are subject to credit approval and program guidelines. Third-party fees apply. Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. NMLS 445248.