We are a growing coalition of more than 100 individuals and organizations committed to helping teens leverage the proven principles of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL). We represent state and local government, law enforcement and public health agencies, traffic safety and injury prevention organizations, schools, universities and businesses. While teen crashes and fatalities have fallen to record lows in Texas and nationwide, rates began to grow again in 2015. Our goal is zero – no crashes, injuries or fatalities. Ensuring that teens survive their most dangerous driving years is everyone's responsibility.
The National Safety Council is excited to release “Everybody Just Drive Tonight,” a playful music video parody, set to the tune of “Everybody Have Fun Tonight”...
An intoxicated 12-year-old led Austin police on a car chase before crashing Halloween morning, according to a story in the Dallas Morning News .
Dallas drivers among most distracted
Be a role model for teen drivers.
Fast food restaurants all over Texas distributed "Practice Driving with your Teen" stickers March 18. Thanks to community partners DQ, McDonald's, Sonic and...
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