Bill Head

Prices slightly lower in September compared to August

September housing prices were slightly lower than the record-levels set over the summer, sparking some debate over whether the market is finally cooling. But industry analysts caution that consumers must remember normal seasonal fluctuations before assuming the housing market is changing directions.

“September is typically a less frenetic market,” said Steve Habgood, president of MetroTex. “A lot of the demand over the summer is tied to consumers trying to get settled before the new school year starts. It’s no surprise that compared to August, the September sales figures were slightly lower.”

“If you look at last year compared to this year, however, September was still a very strong month in the Arlington market,” continued Habgood.

Highlights of the MetroTex report include:

  • 489 homes were sold in Arlington in September, an 11% increase over last year.
  • The average price per square foot ranges from $67-$100, depending on the area. In September 2014, the range was $71-$95.

  • The average sales price in Arlington area ranged from $105,561 - $279,025. Last year the range was from $89,688 – $241,900.
  • Average sales price is 97-100% of list price when listed with a REALTOR®
  • Houses are selling in an average of 16-54 days, depending on the list price and area.

Inventory continues to remain low in Arlington, with some areas reporting less than 1 month inventory.

MetroTex represents more than 16,000 members involved in all aspects of the real estate industry. MetroTex is the largest REALTOR® member association in North Texas representing the entire region. Established in 1917, MetroTex is an advocate for the real estate industry and private property rights. For more information, visit us online at

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