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November 2 Event to to Raise Upkeep Funds for Upkeep of The Legacy of Love Monument at the Oak Lawn Triangle

Oak Lawn, Dallas, Texas – October 16, 2017 – The Oak Lawn Committee (OLC) announced a new push to raise funds to upgrade and provide a solid financial basis for the care and maintenance of The Legacy of Love Monument at the Oak Lawn Triangle. OLC built The Legacy of Love Monument at the Oak Lawn Triangle in 2005 with funds raised privately, and pays all the costs of its maintenance and upkeep. The Monument has become the neighborhood’s gathering place, fulfilling the OLC’s vision for its purpose.

But, as Brenda Marks, President of The Oak Lawn Committee, commented, “that vision hasn’t kept it from harm, whether caused by late-night drunksincars or hateful vandalism. The cost of maintaining, cleaning, insuring and protecting the Legacy of Love Monument is ours – but we rely on the community’s financial support to carry out our obligation, and we need the community’s help now. We are honored by the generosity of our Presenting Sponsor Warwick Melrose Hotel – Dallas, in making this fundraising effort possible. OLC could never accomplish it without their help.”

To replenish the Monument’s Maintenance Endowment Fund held at Communities Foundation of Texas, Oak Lawn Committee, along with Presenting Sponsor Warwick Melrose Hotel – Dallas, is hosting “Celebrate a Landmark at the Landmark” at 6 pm on Thursday, November 2, 2017, in the hotel’s flagship restaurant, the Landmark.  Andrew Wright, General Manager of the hotel said “Our hotel has witnessed Dallas’ rich history as a part of our beloved Oak Lawn community. It’s evolution into a haven for love in the city allows us to welcome incredible guests and groups, and we’re honored to serve this role for ‘Celebrate a Landmark at the Landmark.”

Event tickets are $100 each and may be purchased online at Celebrate a Landmark at the Landmark.  Tickets will also be available at the door on November 2.

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