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When a new client engaged us for their kitchen renovation, we were excited.

When we found out that the husband was a chef, we were terrified.


I guess some of those TV shows about Chefs “Gone Mad” when you incorrectly plate this, or incorrectly cut that,.... left a huge impression in our minds.

And really scared us to the point of asking, is he mean?....  and of course we didn’t ask and he wasn’t.

What a relief.


The fun thing about creating this kitchen for the Chef and his lovely wife, was they wanted it glamorous too, not just functional.


We started by getting all the specifications for his favorite appliances, tools and storage needs. This proved daunting at first, but we were able create many clever ways to store all his gizmos and tools which help him create amazing meals. Now in a wonderful new space.


We know his guests will agree.

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