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The modern office is more than a place of work.

It's your work sanctuary and escape from home. Yes, I said escape from home, especially with some of us going back to the office after this Covid-19 pandemic has started to wide down. Covid-19 is a major issue, but remember we have had many smaller pandemics before. We will get back to work sooner than later, based on what I am witnessing at least.  Obviously, we must be smart about it. And when dealing with pandemics in the office space, there is one word that comes to mind.


Space is…along with a Updated HVAC system, the way to help your fellow worker be safe in the office. Besides the typical “Wash your hands and Don’t touch your face”.  Open spaces and closed spaces and panels are going to make a comeback. Watch and see. And if used properly, will help us stay healthy and productive at the office. So for now, make these spaces cool and comfortable, like the boutique hotels and clubs we all see when we travel.

Hence the idea: A work sanctuary.  Because we all want to be happy and productive in our office, and hopefully NOT go back home to work.

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