
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and youth-serving organizations across the country will work this month to raise understanding about child sexual abuse, a topic that cries for more attention. The  YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas will sponsor Five Days of Action for Child Abuse Prevention from Mon., April 24 through Fri., April 28. This week the Y will share information and resources with the public about how to recognize, prevent, and report child sexual abuse. Community members are invited to participate in Five Days of Action events.

Statistics reveal that approximately one in ten children in the United States will be sexually abused before their eighteenth birthday. Sadly, in more than ninety percent of reported cases, the abuser is someone the child knows and trusts. Abuse happens to children of all ages, genders, races, faiths, and socioeconomic classes. Studies show that children who experience adverse childhood experiences like sexual abuse are more likely to adopt risky behaviors, develop serious health issues, underperform academically, and even die early.

While we are placing a special emphasis on this topic during the month of April, the protection of youth from abuse is our Y's top priority every single day of the year. That’s because keeping kids safe from abuse is essential to their healthy development. Studies show that children who experience adverse childhood experiences like sexual abuse are more likely to adopt risky behaviors like smoking and drug use, develop chronic health conditions such as depression and heart disease, underperform academically and die early.

Please stop by one of our facilities during the Five Days of Action from April 24-28, or visit our website at, for resources, training and opportunities to get involved.

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