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On Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Jan. 18, 2021 - Teach For America DFW is hosting a variety of free virtual events to honor the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and provide an opportunity for families and students to learn lessons from the Civil Rights Movement, which is still so important today. The virtual event includes a variety of offerings that are open to the public:

  • Lessons from the Civil Rights Movement - A virtual MLK Day Event

    • Virtual Fireside Chat with Mrs. Sarah Walker

      • The former president of the Tarrant County Black Historical Society. She will share some of her lived experiences during this historical time period. 

      • Children activists from Fort Worth ISD’s My Brother’s Keeper and other North Texas children will talk with Mrs. Walker and ask her questions

    • Virtual Field Trip with the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

      • Students and community members will have the opportunity to put their journalist hats on and go back to the 1960’s to better understand the Civil Rights movement in North Texas

    • Free Books and Resources

      • Melanin Origins, a Black-owned publishing company, is providing free access to its books about diverse characters learning important lessons

      • Mr. Louie T. McClain, founder of Melanin Origins, a Black-owned publishing company, will give a closing word on how we can continue to move towards social justice today.

    • Virtual Storytime with NBC5 Laura Harris 

      • Enjoy one of our favorite Melanin Origins books and learn about Black history with Laura Harris at 9 a.m. on her Facebook Live. Join us to share Power in My Pen: A Snippet of life of Ida B. 

WHENMartin Luther King Jr. Day 2021; Monday, Jan. 18, 2021 (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)


Registration will include additional links and details about the day’s events, including the schedule and helpful links. Participants are encouraged to stay for the entire event, but are welcome to choose the offerings that are most interesting to them. 


Teach For America finds, develops and supports a diverse network of leaders dedicated to expanding access and opportunity for children. These leaders begin with a commitment of at least two years of teaching in an under-resourced public school. Informed and inspired by their students, TFA alumni continue to advocate for children from classrooms, schools and every field that shapes the broader systems in which schools operate. TFA was launched in the DFW region in 2009, and has since served more than 400,000 students and trained more than 1,700 teachers. For more information, please visit

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