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No Tie Dinner & Dessert Party, now going on its tenth year, is the largest fundraiser for AIDS Services of Dallas with an estimated 6,000 bites of cakes, pies, cookies, tarts and other sweets, 1,500 attendees, 150 volunteers, 100+ auction items, and four hours of dancing, live music, and entertainment. Is it also the destination to find your one true love?

Stuart Boslow and Chad Rogers think so.

Boslow, executive producer of KTXD The Broadcast, attended the No Tie event for the first time with friends last year. Eyeing the numerous auction items, he realized that eyes were also on him – those of a tall, dashing man belonging to Rogers. Being the “take-charge” type of guy, Rogers, a hospitality interior designer for Duncan Miller and Ullmann, stepped forward and introduced himself.

“Chad approached me and talked about the auction items. I liked his temporary smiley face tattoo that he forgot was on the back of his neck from a previous event,” recalls Boslow.

There was good chemistry, but the conversation ended too soon, and the two parted ways without exchanging phone numbers. Three days later, Boslow received a Facebook friend request from Rogers.

Rogers explained, “We had some mutual friends, and I easily found him on Facebook. I really enjoyed our brief encounter at No Tie and wanted to learn more about him. I guess Stuart felt the same, because he invited me to another charity event a week later. I hadn’t dated for two years and was extremely nervous!”

The date was impeccable. Three months later, their parents met and three months following, they moved in together. The rest is a romance story.

Perhaps it’s all the desserts at No Tie Dinner & Dessert Party, but the party clings to sweet romance. Within the last year, both of the event’s Co-Chairs got married: David Nelson to partner Don Neubauer (who happens to be the No Tie Dinner Host Chair), and Co-Chair Dennis Kershner to partner John Moreno (well-known for his culinary skills at No Tie’s volunteer party).

It’s not too late to attend the 2015 No Tie Dinner & Dessert Party for a bite of dessert and just maybe love at first bite. The 10th Annual No Tie Dinner & Dessert Party will be held on Saturday, March 28th starting at 7:00 PM at The Frontiers of Flight Museum (6911 Lemmon Avenue, Dallas, TX, 75209). General admission advance tickets are $60 until February 20th or $75. VIP advance tickets are $130 until February 20th or $150.  Tickets are available to purchase online at