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The Dallas Architecture Forum will host the landscape designer responsible for Klyde Warren Park, the deck park that spans Woodall Rogers Freeway to connect downtown Dallas to Uptown, as part of its 2012-2013 Lecture Season.

Burnett, who hails from San Diego, Calif., founded his landscape architecture practice in 1989 and has dedicated his career to turning his vocation on its head. Burnett has accumulated a bevy of awards for his work, which features a multi-disciplinary approach to creating usuable and meaningful spaces, often looking to artists, planners, doctors, scientists and the people who will use the very parks and open spaces he designs.

Burnett is considered an expert in health care design, with several published articles under his belt. But what Dallas will know him for will be Klyde Warren Park, which will open on Oct. 27 and 28.

To hear Burnett speak at the Nov. 8 forum at the Magnolia Theatre, visit All lectures start at 7 p.m. and tickets range from $5 for students to $20 for general admission. 

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