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Dominick Lacy

The Good Works Under 40 award is designed to honor the most committed, skilled and passionate volunteers under the age of 40 who are truly making a difference in the lives of North Texans. 

The program is in its eighth year in Dallas and the award is co-presented by The Dallas Foundation and The Dallas Morning News. The awards ceremony will be held on November 8, 2017 at Café Momentum

Five finalists were selected from a field of 46 volunteers nominated for the honor of being named top volunteer. 

Dominic N. Lacy (Dom) is one of those outstanding young volunteers. Dom wants to see his fellow deaf and hard of hearing community members enjoy visibility in the community, equal economic opportunities, and have access to the resources and education necessary to make that happen. 

Dom is currently the Board President of Deaf Action Center, a non-profit organization serving our North Texas deaf and hard of hearing communities. He previously served as Vice President and Member at Large on the same Board. Dom has also served on the Community Development Commission for the City of Dallas representing District 14 under Councilman Philip Kingston. 

A graduate of Southern Methodist University, Dom is a senior manager at Accenture Strategy, where he has worked with numerous clients across different industries and geographical locations for more than 12 years. Dom credits his success to his deaf parents who inspired him with a "can-do!" attitude and instilled a sense of service in him.  

The winner will be awarded a grant to his or her charity. The four remaining finalists will receive a donation to the charity of their choice.

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