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Mascot Big Tex was raised into place on Sept. 24, 2012. The 52-foot-tall cowboy caught fire on Oct. 19, just two days before the end of the 2012 State Fair of Texas.

Despite a tragic ending that saw mascot Big Tex go up in flames, this year's State Fair of Texas brought in $2 million more than last year's event, coming in a close second to the record-breaking 2010 season.

The tally, which includes food sales and rides, came to $36.6 million at the close of the 2012 season. The highest-grossing fair was in 2010, which brought in $37.3 million.

The biggest news of this year's fair, though, was the demise of Big Tex. The 52-foot cowboy caught fire the morning of Friday, Oct. 19, due to an electrical malfunction. At around 10 a.m., several onlookers noticed smoke coming from Big Tex's neck, and just minutes later the fair's ambassador was consumed by fire from his size 70 boots to his 75-gallon hat. 

"State Fair of Texas fans around the world mourned the loss of our beloved friend and sent countless emails, tweets and condolences to the fair’s staff," said an official release. "Despite the tragedy, fair officials pledge that Big Tex will be restored and put back in his boots in time for the 2013 fair."

Next year's fair season starts Sept. 27 and will run through Oct. 20. Keep track of events and more at

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