Bart Noble
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Plants native to Texas and other drought tolerant varieties are great options to replace plant damaged by our recent hard freezes. From color to cover, North Texas natives offer lots of options that can survive with little to no supplemental watering.  And less watering means fewer mosquitoes!

Here are other tips for updating your landscape that will help reduce mosquitoes:

  • Trim shrubs and trees: Keep shrubs and trees trimmed so that there is space between the foliage and the ground.  Mosquitoes look for places to hide where they won't dry out and our Asian Tigers especially like the cover of shrubs laying close to the ground.
  • Sprinkler tune-up: If you’re updating your landscape (or even if you’re not) it’s a good idea to make sure your sprinkler system is optimized to so that water does not end up in drains or pooling where mosquitoes can breed.  A well-tuned sprinkler system will pay for itself in water saved.
  • Options to groundcover or mulch: If groundcover is not kept cut close to the ground, thatch can develop which is a perfect haven for mosquitoes.  Premium gravel can work well as a substitute for groundcover or mulch, it’s easy to keep clean, and it’s not a haven for mosquitoes.

If you need help to find where mosquitoes are hiding in your yard or for other ways to kill mosquitoes without using poison, contact Mosquito Mister Natural at, by phone at 214-647-8377 or visit

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