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Actress Ashley Judd will be the keynote speaker at TexProtects’ 10th Anniversary Celebration on Oct. 14. Judd, who detailed her own childhood trauma in her memoir, All That is Bitter and Sweet, also will attend a reception for lead sponsors and members of our Board of Directors, chaired by John Castle.

 “Ashley Judd’s personal story and her humanitarian work on behalf of abuse victims exemplifies the far-reaching effects of child maltreatment, but also the promise of healing from invisible wounds and most importantly, committing to investing in prevention ” said Madeline McClure, TexProtect’s founder and executive director. “We are thrilled to present Ashley Judd as we celebrate 10 years of successful work to reduce and prevent child abuse in Texas.”

 TexProtects also will present its 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award to Texas Senator Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, an outstanding leader in the Texas Legislature for protecting victims of child abuse. We will honor Senator Nelson for her work to increase Texas’ investment in prevention programs, such as the Nurse-Family Partnership, which sends nurses on home visits to help vulnerable, low-income mothers as well as her hard work to reform CPS.

 The event will be at 7 p.m. on Oct.14 at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas. The honorary chair is Lisa K. Simmons and the event chair is Pat Albritton Harloe.

 Through advocacy, research and education, TexProtects has assisted and/or led the passage of over 37 bills that have improved the Child Protective Services system and advocated for and secured $71 million for voluntary family support home visitation programs, which currently service over 20,,000 families across Texas. 

Please join TexProtects on Oct. 14 to celebrate 10 years of success in our mission to prevent and reduce child abuse. Table sponsorship begins at $2,500. Seating is limited. Buy a table or donate here.

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