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Every year, Art Conspiracy organizes a fundraiser for a fundraiser. The summer seed event, which was often held at the Sons of Hermann Hall in Deep Ellum, has a new home on Aug. 25 at Life in Deep Ellum, the Taylor Street multi-purpose venue.

The medium changes from year to year, with lawn ornaments, clocks, and espresso tins all getting repurposed into art that will be auctioned off. If you think you can't afford a work from one of the Art Conspirators, think again: Bidding starts at $20, and it's fast-paced and fun. It all starts at 7 p.m., and there'll be food trucks outside if you have to skip dinner.

This year, the event is all about analog. Dubbed RZN8 (read: RESONATE), you'll find eight-bit everything. Artists will transform stereo speakers into original works, and you can lounge and swill cocktails while enjoying the retro decor. 

Find out more about RZN8 at

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