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Keynote speaker Lisa Fenn

Educational First Steps will host its annual One Childhood One Chance Luncheon on Friday, Dec. 9 with featured speaker Lisa Fenn, ESPN producer and author of the memoir “Carry On.” A North Texas-based nonprofit organization, Educational First Steps places at-risk children on a path to lifelong success by transforming caregivers into professional teachers and daycare centers into high-quality preschools in the region’s most at-risk neighborhoods.

“Childhood poverty is expected to double in the next 25 years in North Texas. Now, more than ever, we must give all children a strong start by teaching early and teaching well. Tomorrow’s community begins with early learning today,” said John Breitfeller, executive director of Educational First Steps.

Educational First Steps shows caregivers of at-risk children how to create high-quality learning environments. It currently serves 5,400 children in early learning centers and homes in 17 school districts across North Texas. More than half of those children are in centers that have achieved national accreditation with the support of Educational First Steps. The organization is expanding its education and support solutions to help more centers earn accreditation and become long-term educational anchors in high-poverty neighborhoods for generations to come. As a result, more at-risk children will have access to high-quality early learning experiences to prepare them for school life and success.

Featured speaker Lisa Fenn is an ESPN producer whose new memoir “Carry On” details how she filmed, befriended and ultimately formed an unlikely family with two remarkable, impoverished boys with disabilities. The three bonded together and overcame barriers of race, poverty, class and disability so the boys could achieve their dreams. 

The Educational First Steps One Child One Chance Luncheon will be held at noon on Friday, Dec. 9, at the Omni Dallas Hotel (555 South Lamar St., Dallas, TX 75202) and is Co-Chaired by Rachel Goldberg and Jennifer Robinson. Individual tickets are $150, and sponsorships start at $1,850. For information, contact Judy Schecter at (214) 824-7940, ext. 229, or  
About Educational First Steps
To prepare at-risk children for school and life success, Educational First Steps improves the quality and availability of early learning environments. The North Texas-based nonprofit organization goes to the neighborhoods and daycare centers where children in poverty are cared for and provides their caregivers with proven tools and techniques for teaching. Educational First Steps helps teachers and learning centers to achieve national quality standards, building a foundation for lifelong learning for 5,300 children in North Texas. For information, visit

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