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Martha Lang, Linda Hughes, MD, past-president; Sandy Secor, Champion for the Health Fair and past-president, DCMSA; Michelle Anderson, Co-Chair, Health Fair

Saturday, August 22 w 1pm - 3pm

Uptown, Dallas, Texas – Located at 3966 McKinney Avenue, just north of Blackburn Street, Church of the Incarnation Episcopal hosts a Free Back to School Immunization  Clinic. The event is free to the public and is an easy way to bring your child’s shots up to date. It is sponsored by Church of the Incarnation with immunizations provided by Texas Care Van.

Also participating are the Dallas County Medical Society Alliance, The Dallas Police Central Neighborhood Patrol, Telemundo, Agape Clinic and North Dallas Shared Ministries.  Meningitis and whooping cough vaccines will be included in the vaccines offered. Free student sports physicals will also be given.  First come, first served. Participants need to bring their immunization records.

  • Free Immunizations
  • Free Participation/Sports Physicals
  • Free Dental Screenings
  • Free Eye Exams

Immunizations are important, Safe, and Effective Vaccines are free to: Children and students 2 months old to 18 years of age, Medicaid eligible, Uninsured: a child with no health insurance coverage, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Underinsured (a child whose health coverage does not include vaccines).

VACINATE BEFORE YOU GRADUATE - free meningitis vaccines 

The clinic will feature the immunizations, a Zumba class, an "Ask the Doctor" booth, free sports physicals and other health information. A sports equipment  give away, bicycle with helmet give away will also take place with a limited number of donations. The Dallas Police Central Neighborhood Patrol Office will sponsor a bicycle safety course at the Health Fair. The Mounted Patrol, McGruff the Crime Dog and Police Low rider will also be there the day of the event.  This year we welcome the Texas A & M Baylor School of Dentistry and the sealant van to our event. Telemundo will be providing reusable grocery bags and have a booth at the event.