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Dallas Women's Foundation Dallas Women's Foundation Leadership Key Club members meet Dallas Police Chief U. Renee Hall.

Dallas Women’s Foundation Leadership Key Club members met the city’s first female Police Chief, U. Renee Hall, at an exclusive reception at Le Meridian Dallas, The Stoneleigh, on November 15. Chief Hall talked about her path to becoming the first African American female police chief and thanked the members for their work in improving the lives of women and girls in North Texas.


The Leadership Key Club is for those who have contributed at least $100,000 or more to the Foundation’s Unlocking Leadership Campaign. In 2013, Dallas Women’s Foundation began the Unlocking Leadership Campaign to raise $50 million to improve the future of North Texas by investing in the economic security and leadership potential of women and girls.  Funds raised are earmarked for the Foundation’s primary focus areas – women’s economic security and women’s leadership. The Economic Security Initiative aims to strengthen the economic security of 16,000 women and girls by 2021, and to date, has already helped more than 8,750 women and girls. The campaign’s Leadership Initiative aims to provide 60,000 women and girls with leadership training and opportunities, and thus far has reached nearly 28,000 women and girls through grants and programs.


For those interested in becoming a Leadership Key Club member and donating to the campaign, contact Shawn Wills, Dallas Women’s Foundation senior vice president of development, at or 214.525.5318.

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