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Whether you're like me who doesn't like to stand in long, horrible lines, and prefers to stay at home to online shop, or you are secretly purchasing items online during work, these are four tips that can help you prepare for Cyber Monday so you don't miss out on any amazing deals!

1. Shopping cart

Just like a list, pre-loading your shopping cart helps you have an idea of what items you're interested in buying, while also comparing several prices for similar items in other places. Loading beforehand also gives you the chance to purchase your things before they are sold out. In the end, it can still get you to check out quickly.

2. Plan B

Having a Plan B is always helpful at times where that big screen TV you wanted, sold out in a second. Look for similar offers and other places the item can be found. Along with your research, make sure you are also checking the reviews and other details to verify that you're receiving a quality item.

3.Register for shopper accounts

Take a moment to sign up for a customer account in advance if you are planning to shop at a store you have not ordered things before. With an account already created, your shipping information will already be on file, and there will be fewer delays when you check out your gifts. This step requires you to fill in some extra information, but it becomes a huge help in transitioning you to your other websites that you are shopping on!

4.Protecting your identity 

Finally, regardless of where you're shopping, it's always important to secure your identity and any valuable information you might have on your credit card. With these steps, you can have a better understanding of how you can shop safely on Cyber Monday. 

-Ensure that the URL has an "s" in https://

-Clicking on ads are riskier, so go directly to the stores you want to shop at.

-Double check the URL on the website just to be safe because there are hackers that can set up fake websites.

-The last step of advice is to use a credit card rather than debit if you have the chance because they have stronger fraud protection.

As you are online shopping, use strong passwords, watch out for bank statements and your credit, and avoid using too much personal information.

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