Dr. Pratiksha Rigley

Primrose Students Show Readiness for Kindergarten

At Primrose®, we nurture curiosity, creativity, confidence and compassion and pay close attention to all aspects of your child’s development.It’s no surprise then that approximately 9 out of 10 Primrose pre-kindergarten students demonstrated readiness for kindergarten during the 2018-2019 school year.*What’s more, nearly 95% of our students assessed showed social-emotional readiness for kindergarten — that means that a child is able to form friendships, communicate emotions and deal with challenges. This is no small thing — sharing, confidence and self-control are critical building blocks for success later in life.
Our research-informed approach weaves character development and life skills into daily experiences so children can learn and practice behavioral and relationship skills they’ll carry with them for life.Our Balanced Learning® curriculum is purposefully designed to empower children, helping them learn with confidence throughout their academic journey.We are so proud of how well our students excel and the impact we are making on children across the country. Nurturing guidance and attention to every part of a child’s development during preschool sets children up for future success.Read more on how we partner with parents to help them build the right foundation for their child’s future:


*These results are from over 5,700 students in participating Primrose schools, using Teaching Strategies® GOLD®, a nationally recognized assessment tool that measures the knowledge, skills and behaviors most predictive of school success. The Kindergarten readiness designation is based on benchmarks for skills, knowledge, and abilities deemed to be important for transitioning to Kindergarten. Teachers performing the assessments were not all certified in inter rater reliability. 
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