Dr. Pratiksha Rigley
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Online with Og - Week 13





The Rigley Primrose Schools are early education and care schools that serve infants through kindergarten, after-schoolers, their families, and our local community.  With our Balanced Learning approach, we nurture curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion.  This helps spark lightbulb moments that lead to a lifelong love of learning.  During their time with us each day, children participate in many activities such as language & literacy, social studies, and our character development program.  Our students also enjoy healthy, freshly prepared breakfast, lunch and snacks daily, prepared by our in-house chef.  We are open Monday through Friday.  The Primrose-exclusive approach, called Balanced Learning, is created from the best early education wisdom and early childhood education research, and balances purposeful play with nurturing guidance from teachers to encourage curiosity, creativity, confidence and compassion.  It is designed to meet the developmental needs of young children.  At Primrose, we believe who children become is as important as what they know, and we help empower children to reach their full potential each day.

Primrose Schools: Where lightbulb moments happen.


For more information about the Rigley Primrose Schools, please visit our school websites:

                Primrose School of Frisco West
                Primrose School at Klyde Warren Park
                Primrose School of Park Cities
                Primrose School of Plano at Preston Meadow
                Primrose School of Prestonwood

Dr. Pratiksha Rigley, Franchise Owner

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