Starts 09/30/2022 (Friday)
Ends 10/03/2022 (Monday) Central Standard Time
Duration 4d
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Lumedia Musicworks releases the story of Belle van Zuylen
The latest installment of “Stories” explores underrepresented works of the first womencomposers in this comedic docuseries. Belle van Zuylen made her mark through writing, butfound true happiness through music. This season’s“Stories” are generously underwritten by TheCarl B. and Florence E. King Foundation.
DALLAS - Nicknamed “The Goddess of the Netherlands,” Belle van Zuylen achieved notorietyas an outspoken critic of the ruling classes. Having survived the French Revolution and a rebuffby Mozart, she reinvented herself as a composer of chamber music. Starring in the comic scenesfrom Belle’s life are Dallas’s own Bob and Patsy Brooks, Abigail Pierce and Thane Isaac ofDenton. Elaine Scholly, host of Stories, narrates this tale enhanced by newly recorded tracks ofvan Zuylen’s works, portraits from the 18th-century, and animation from the 21st. Jendi TardeKillberg researched, wrote, and directed the episode.
Belle van Zuylen is now available to watch at no cost through the nonprofit’s website. Donationssupport the nonprofit’s mission to bring early music to life. Register to watch this episode at
In addition to live concerts, Lumedia maintains a digital presence via short films anddocumentary series. Short films have won numerous awards at film festivals in the U.S. andabroad, and are distributed as in-house television programming to hospitals throughout Texasand the United States. The documentaries are freely accessible online, and taken to DFW seniorcenters as interactive presentations.
Other installments of Stories series are available on Lumedia’s website at Contact: Jennifer GreenePhone: 469-430-8118Email: