
With summer ending, the school year is upon us, which means it’s time to organize carpools, confirm class schedules and purchase school supplies. The average cost of school supplies is around $55 per child and does not take into account the technology tools that some schools are now requiring.  No child should have to go without school supplies, that’s why this year the KPOST team is getting their kids ready and loading up their backpacks with fresh school supplies.

For the Back To School Backpack Program, KPOST Company employees packed 175 backpacks with school supplies for the elementary aged children of their employees.

“KPOST is a family and this is our way of giving something back to our family”, said Jayne Williams, CFO.  “We have to remember the reason that our employees come to work every day, to provide for their families and we wanted to show the kids we were thinking about them”.

A Culture of Giving

KPOST executives and team members believe in giving and do so year round. This philosophy is in alignment with their corporate culture, which includes developing award-winning employee safety programs , supporting the community, and providing excellence in all they do.

“This is just another reason I love working for KPOST,” said Christi Radogna, KPOST AR Manager. “It’s a common practice for companies to donate to charities, but what isn’t so common is to have a company look within and donate to their own employees.  I am a single Mother and school supplies add up very quickly, I am so appreciative and proud to be a part of a company that truly cares.”

Each backpack KPOST supplied contains over 15 items that are appropriate for any school district and contain all the tools the kids will need to have a successful start to their school year.

“When I gave my son Trevor the backpack,” said Christi, “he first asked if he could play with it now and then he stopped and said with a smile, can I work there too, they give away cool stuff!”

When it comes to community support, the teams at KPOST make it a point to be involved year round. This type of investment not only allows the KPOST team to give back, but also infuses the culture throughout the organization.

“Our employees see us supporting them and others in the community on a regular basis. It’s who we are at heart, and it’s important that everyone who works with us understand that and believe in it,” said Williams. “We expect every employee to be an active participant in giving back to their community.”

KPOST supports many different organizations in multiple ways. Following is a sample of the type of charitable action they take: 

Charitable Causes KPSOT is Involved In:
Conley Design – Packing Party for Troops
Aileen Struble, Senior Estimator serves on the Board. KPOST provides employees to help pack gift boxes for hundreds of Troops.
Petey Parker Teddy Bear giveaway
We collect throughout the year for Petey Parker.  Petey and her husband, Jim Fite, dress up as Mr. and Mrs. Claus and deliver a stuffed animal to every patient in several hospitals.   So far we have collected almost 150 bears this year.
Toys for Tots
We collect from our employees Toys for Tots every Christmas.
Savage Race to benefit ACT
It was the Savage Race where KPOST partnered with National Roofing Partners to collect monies for ACT, an autism charity.  We had 5 employees brave freezing weather to run and even swim in ice water
Bring Your Dog To Work Day
Collect money and items for Operation Kindness.  The last one raised almost $2,000 and 100 lbs. of food and toys.
NRCA Community Service Day
Every year KPOST employees participate in the work day at the annual convention of National Roofing Contractors Association.  We perform landscaping, painting, roofing, and other projects on 2 or 3 houses in the host city.
Various Charities
Every year we volunteer to provide labor and materials for roofing of local charities.


The idea of giving back is ingrained in the KPOST culture and is evident by the many charitable organizations that the company has supported over the years.  The Back To School Backpack Program is emblematic of the corporate culture and the values instilled in the employees to give back. KPOST Company prides itself on having a strong set of corporate values enhanced by high ethics and superior service, which establish the company as a highly desired partner in the commercial roofing industry.

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