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Ronald McDonald House of Dallas (RMHD) hosted a cocktail reception on March 2 to kickoff the 2017 “Under the Moonlight” Gala at the home of Lindy and Brad Berkley. Honorary co-chair Roger Staubach attended the event along with co-chairs Maggie Cooke Kipp and Heather Randall, as well as Live Auction co-chairs Jane Rozelle and Rachel Michell.

“Under the Moonlight” will be held on Saturday, March 25 from 7 p.m. to midnight at the Westin Dallas Downtown. Each spring, it helps RMHD raise funds to support the 1,200 families it hosts throughout the year while their children are receiving treatment for illnesses or injuries at Dallas hospitals. This will be the first year for the event to be held at the Westin Dallas Downtown.

RMHD serves as a home-away-from-home for seriously ill or injured children and their families, all of whom come from distances greater than 40 miles away from Dallas to receive care for their children. Although RMHD asks guest families to contribute only $15 per night, no family is ever turned away for an inability to pay. 

Tickets and sponsorships for “Under the Moonlight” are available by visiting or by contacting Diane Fullingim, Chief Development Officer of RMHD, at or 214-624-5365.



Established in 1981, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas has served as a home-away-from-home for more than 36,000 families of seriously ill children who have traveled to Dallas seeking medical treatment in area hospitals. By providing a caring, supportive, home-like environment, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas keeps the family intact and helps allow a family to establish a normal routine in the midst of crisis. It also provides families with the opportunity to share their concerns with other families in similar circumstances. For more information, please contact Ronald McDonald House of Dallas at 214.631.7354, or visit

PHOTO CREDIT: Bret Redman Photography


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