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Today is a day for celebration. The 2010-2011 Dallas Mavericks celebrated in style - with what seemed like the entire city of Dallas - their victory over the Miami Heat to clench the NBA Championship. The Mavericks’ championship victory parade is an event that people will not forget. Downtown Dallas was at a standstill with 250,000 loyal fans celebrating and honoring their beloved home team.

Being at the parade first hand, I know that these fans are truly loyal. Standing in 90 degree heat with the sun beating down on you isn’t easy, but the city of Dallas showed its appreciation for the team, coaches, owner and many others as they traveled from City Hall to the American Airlines Center.

This is the first time in the Dallas Mavericks’ 30-year franchise history that the team brought an NBA championship trophy home. I met locals who have been fans for 30 years just waiting for this day, to people, much like myself, who have the upmost respect for one of the classiest, hardest working teams in the NBA.

Standing outside in the heat, I realized that Mavs fans are fans for more reasons than just being supporters of a good team. They are fans because they believe in the Mavs - a team with players that believe in each other, who worked together and fought till the end to win this championship. With this team’s talent, character, hard work and support from everyone around them, it’s not surprising that their season ended victoriously.

As I made my way into the American Airlines Center, I could feel the energy among the fans around me, who were there to show their appreciation and congratulate a team who truly fought from the first game of the playoffs to the final horn that declared their victory. As fans came roaring in, video highlights of the season played with interviews and footage of the team celebrating after they beat the Heat, 105-95, in game six.  Statements such as, “It’s a dream come true,” or “I still can’t believe it,” were repeated continuously by the players and coaches.

There were many memorable moments including Jason “JET” Terry telling the fans that the fuel for his engine is the city of Dallas, to the entire arena singing happy birthday to Dirk Nowitzki and finally coach Rick Carlisle giving praise to owner Mark Cuban for his support and dedication over the years.

As I listened to the speeches of the players, coaches and owner, I realized that this team is a family. Jason Terry couldn’t have explained it better when he said, “This is my home.” One of the most touching moments was hearing the players say they were proud of their teammates and most of all thankful for the support of their fans and their home.



We Are the Champions!

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