Tim Stoll
(SMART SUMMARY) The first domino picks itself up, attracting the second, and suddenly all the dominos are back upright.  The Journal summed it up: “If home prices are going up and people have more equity in their home, things like remodeling and refurbishment will do well, because it’s effectively the way of playing the reinvestment game.” For Dallas contractors and tradesmen, this is a game they’re happy to see resume.
Tim Stoll
(SMART SUMMARY) As every homeowner learns soon enough, regardless of the general trend toward rising property values in  Dallas , that’s only going to hold when the underlying investment your home is not allowed to deteriorate over time.  Protecting gains in  urban dallas  property values by preventing the kinds of deterioration that time (and wear and tear) threaten to wreak doesn’t have to be expensive.  One good example applies to homes with a wooden deck.
Tim Stoll
(SMART SUMMARY) One of the unusual situations that sometimes crops up in uptown Dallas real estate is one where the buyer purchases a house without ever seeing it.