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Each of the 20 senior girls at Dallas Can Academies’ Oak Cliff campus received an unforgettable experience donated by local makeup artists, hair stylists, photographers and more with makeovers for their senior prom.  Each girl had her hair styled, makeup applied and keepsake photographs made from noon to 4 p.m. on the day of their high school prom. Each student also got to choose from a selection of donated jewelry to match her dress and wear to the dance.  

Approximately 35 volunteers arrived at the school the day of the senior dance to offer each graduating senior girl a full makeover and pre-prom pampering experience.  Refreshments and music were served to add to the festivities and allowed the students to relax and soak in the experience with their classmates and friends. After their makeovers, the girls returned home to change into their prom dresses before their big night at Gilley’s Dallas.    

Nonprofit group, Fit and Faithful Living sponsored the event. Along with their committee members, Fit and Faithful Living offered to gather professionals to create a day of glamour and fun for the soon-to-be high school graduates after LaChanda Dupard, executive director of Fit and Faithful Living, recently met one of the senior girls and learned of the need for some pre-prom pampering for the girls attending the senior dance.  Senior student Ta’Liyah Edwards met Dupard at a recent school fundraiser and described her dream to one day own a salon.  Ms. Edwards also explained that most of her classmates couldn’t afford to get their hair and makeup done before their prom. 

When Dupard heard this she knew she had to do something to provide these young women the opportunity to go to their prom being proud of how they looked. Offering the chance to provide professional primping aligns with her nonprofit’s mission to provide healthy mental balance in individual lives. Local celebrity makeup artist Bridgett LaDawn and a team of volunteers from GlamourRX, Inc. quickly volunteered to provide the day of glamour for the girls.      

"Fit and Faithful Living's mission is to provide healthy mental balance in individual lives, this includes boosting confidence,” said LaChanda Dupard.  “The reason we agreed to assist these young women is to promote a spirit of confidence and exposure to professionals that will encourage them!  I'm sure this experience will also inspire Ta'Liyah to follow her dream of becoming a salon owner!"                                 

Most of the girls have fought obstacles to overcome barriers to earn their high school diplomas and these volunteers wanted to offer them a day of pampering and beauty to boost their confidence for their special dance.

Dallas Can students often require support beyond their classroom and this generous “day of beauty” created lasting memories for their special night. Fit and Faithful Living believes in providing opportunities of change for women and girls to see themselves in a new light. 

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