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How many times have you stepped into a friend’s home and found that when you used the powder room and feels out dated and design wise, boring.

When considering a renovation of any kind, it's best to consider the "Impact" of the smallest room in the house.

The Powder Room!

Many design experts will agree, this one has a real impression with your guests and if you ever decide to sell, a potential buyer too.


Key points for you to consider when preparing to design then renovate this space:

  1. Durable Materials are a must.  Think Vinyl or type 2 wallcoverings instead of Paper, as this type of wallcovering is more durable and can hold up to moisture better than paper. Stone is always nice but remember porcelain tile is also very durable and stylish too.
  2. Plumbing fittings that work well for all. Some guests are family may have a hard time grabbing fittings due to arthritis, be sure they are easy to use and “Universal Design” friendly.
  3. Add that shower if you think it’s useful. Sometimes we have many people spending the night during holidays, so this is a real value add in many cases. Make it safe too, remember non-slip flooring for those who are likely to slip.
  4. Lighting is everything.  Be aware that you don’t put the wrong light fixture in your new bathroom. LED lighting is great for energy savings, but color temperature and if they can dim properly is a must too.
  5. Don’t’ over accessorize. We have a tendency to fill a space a bit too much, I for one like to edit my spaces with a question what can go? And make the space feel roomy?


These points and more are what any good design professional should be discussing with you for your Powder Bath renovation. If they are not, buyer beware.

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