
Most supporters of the cultural community believe that all people benefit from exposure to the arts. But thanks to a new report by the Texas Cultural Trust, that belief is now backed up by cold, hard facts. In their latest report, 2015 State of the Arts, researchers highlight the many ways the arts sector is creating stronger futures for Texans. Here are the Center’s favorites.

At-risk students are half as likely to drop out of school when they take art classes.
Students who take art classes do not only reap academic benefits (though they do, like having 15% higher pass rates on standardized tests) but are also more engaged in learning as a whole, helping them to stay in school. Jaden, a student at Thomas Jefferson High School and a participant in the Center’s Open Stages education program, puts it this way: “Theater, it’s a motivator. It helps you keep on track. Throughout the day, class can get stressful. But theater… It really does relieve a lot of stress.”

Just one arts education course can change a student’s trajectory.
According to the study, the arts don’t just keep kids from dropping out. Students who participate in even one art class show higher graduation rates, and enroll in higher education following graduation at higher rates than their peers who did not complete at least one arts course.

Texas is leading the way in the 21st century economy.
The ideal economy of the future is based on creators and innovators – and thanks to arts and cultural organizations like the Center, 730,000 people are employed in the creative sector.

In DFW, $11 million of generated tax income is returned back to YOU.
Across the state, $5.1 billion in taxable sales is generated by arts organizations like the Center, and a portion of those dollars are returned to local sales taxing cities. Because taxable sales of the arts have been increasing steadily since 2014, we can look forward to a healthier economy thanks to the arts.

Tourists love the arts.
Travel and tourism spending in Texas is more than $67.5 million, and arts and culture plays a critical role in that. When people visit the region, 23.6% of them participate in cultural activities – nearly a quarter of all tourists.

The Center is proud to play a role in strengthening Texas, and just as proud that we invest in education programs to ensure the future of the next generation. The arts aren’t just a nicety, they’re a necessity; and thanks to generous donors like you, North Texas is at the heart of our state’s cultural vitality.

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