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Staff Spotlight: Matt Lyle, Tessitura Specialist

You’ve probably seen playwright and actor Matt Lyle’s work on stage, but by day he’s hard at work behind the scenes as well.

How long have you worked at the Center?

Three years at the end of August.

How would you describe what you do here?

I build, maintain, and troubleshoot the ticketing information in Tessitura: facilities, shows, prices, promos, etc.

Are you involved or connected to art or the performing arts outside of your work at the Center?

I’m a playwright and sometimes actor.

What writing and acting projects do you have going right now/coming up?

A Brief, Endless Love – A comedy revue I wrote for Dallas Comedy House is running now through June 24 (Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m.).
The Boxer at the Festival of Independent Theatres – July 15 – August 5
Cedar Springs or Big Scary Animals – A play I wrote is being produced by Theatre Three in August and September.

What’s the upcoming show you’re most excited about?

My play The Boxer is playing again at the Festival of Independent Theatres at the Bath House Cultural Center in July and August, where it premiered exactly 10 years ago and has had a pretty good life after that. We have almost the entire original cast returning. It’s a silent film onstage and stars my wife, who is a hilarious clown. My three-year-old daughter has watched the DVD of it 212 times and calls it “Mommy’s Funny Toon.” I’m most excited to see how she reacts to seeing her mother make a theatre full of people roll in the aisles.

What is your favorite show/program/series to work on at the Center?

Well, I work on all of them in my special way, which is pretty much the same for every show; so I’ll say none of them? Or all of them?!

Do you have a favorite memory at the Center so far?

Watching my kid play in the reflecting pool.

Do you have a favorite venue here on the Center’s campus?

Strauss Square.

What’s been your most embarrassing moment at the Center (so far)?

I have the same embarrassing moment over and over: I walk through a door or around a corner and someone is right there and I’m demonstrably frightened.

Who’s your favorite performing artist overall, Center-related or not?

Steve Martin.

This is Dallas, so I have to ask who your favorite sports team is.

Depending on the season these are my favorite teams: Mavs, Rangers, Cowboys, and I’m scared of hockey.

What’s the best thing about living in Dallas?

The traffic.

Favorite food truck?

The Banh Mi one.

Finish this sentence: “When I’m not at the Center, you can find me…”

At home pretending to be whichever Ninja Turtle I’ve been dubbed by my daughter. Does anyone want to baby sit for free so I can go see a movie?

You can catch Matt’s work this month at Dallas Comedy House! Click here for more info >>

Thursday, 01 June 2017