Jun 11 2012
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How about getting some promotional products that your employees use everyday but also brighten their day?

Jun 8 2012

We have picked an obvious song for our Friday flash dance!  What is your favorite song to celebrate the end of the week?  Leave a link; let's have a dance off.  LOL

Happy Friday!!!

Jun 7 2012
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There is no I in our Team! Drop Visionary Branding has added two graphic designers to the team. Please help me welcome Stacy and Oliver. We will be sharing more on all of our growth during our next email blast. Make sure you are on the list! ~ Jessica

Jun 6 2012
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Hello all of your Drop fans.  While it is rainstorming outside; we could be brainstorming inside for your business.  

Jun 6 2012
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It goes without saying how important your logo is to your business.  Here are a few tips along with a picture of showing how a logo could give the wrong impression to the client.  

Call Drop; we can help you with logo designs.  

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Drop Drop Fizz Fizz

Oh, what a relief it is...

Drop Drop Fizz Fizz

Oh, what a relief it is...

Let Drop VB bring relief to your marketing division by bringing our team on board.  We would love to partner with you and watch your business SOAR!

Jun 5 2012
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What is branding?
Simply defined, branding is the process of giving your product or service a unique identity or brand that people will be able to recognize and identify as yours. A brand will make sure that your product or service is unique from the same products or services being sold by other manufacturers or businesses. A successful brand is able to give the product or service its unique personality and can evoke specific emotional or subliminal reactions that may not even be found on the company or the product itself.
Jun 4 2012
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Bright idea for this evening's post.

Have you ever tried to unscrew a HOT light bulb?  Have you tried the lick the fingers, grab a towel but it's slipping and the ever so common many painful quick attempts to turn it?

Next time, grab a jar opener from your kitchen and unscrew that testy bulb.  It will protect you from the heat long enough the get the bulb unscrewed while keeping a good grip.

Jun 4 2012

We have been in the process of moving our office to an exciting new location.  With this change comes many to do lists.  We thought we would share one that we found useful for us.  

May 31 2012
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It is needed in order to succeed.  We don't want to just be called in times of stress; we want to be a part of your team.